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Active ingredients:


This is one of the hepatitis B vaccines


Active ingredients:

Three Hepatitis B surface antigens, which are proteins on the surface of the virus.


This is a recombinant protein vaccine, which means that the instructions to make these surface antigens are inserted into the genome of cells so that they produce the proteins. 


Note: this vaccine contains trace amounts of DNA and proteins from the cells used to produce the surface antigen. These cells are Chinese hamster ovary cells. 

Inactive ingredients:

Adjuvants: strengthen the immune response to the vaccine

Salts: help maintain the stability and pH of the vaccine

Ingredients from Manufacturing:

Relevant Terms

Relevant Terms

  • Antibody: a protein made by the immune system in response to a foreign particle (antigen). These proteins circulate in the blood and help defend the body against the substance.  

  • Antigen: This is any substance that triggers the immune system to create antibodies. For example, allergens such as pollen are antigens. 

  • Genome: all of the genetic information in a cell

  • pH: a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. The scale ranges from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic). A pH of 7 is neutral.


Last updated: Feb. 20, 2023

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