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Active ingredients:


Meningococcal B vaccine


Active ingredients:

Recombinant proteins from Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B

Trumenba is a recombinant protein vaccine: the information for how to make specific proteins is inserted into the genome of Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is a species of bacteria that naturally inhabit the intestines and are generally harmless. The E. coli produce the proteins, which are used as the active ingredients in the vaccine. Because these are proteins, not whole bacteria, you cannot get meningitis B from the vaccine.

Inactive ingredients:
Ingredient amounts based on a 0.5mL dose

Adjuvants: strengthen the immune response to the vaccine

Note: in the package insert, this ingredient is listed as Al3+ as AlPO4. These are the chemical names of elemental aluminum and aluminum phosphate.

Other Stabilizers:

Relevant Terms

Relevant Terms

  • Adjuvant: a compound added to some vaccines to strengthen the immune response

  • Antibody: a protein made by the immune system in response to a foreign particle (antigen). These proteins circulate in the blood and help defend the body against the substance.  

  • Antigen: This is any substance that triggers the immune system to create antibodies. For example, allergens such as pollen are antigens. 

  • Genome: all of the genetic information in a cell.

  • Emulsifier: a substance that helps to keep the ingredients mixed together

  • Molarity: a measure of concentration of a substance. It is defined as the moles of a substance in a liter of water. A mole is a standard unit in chemistry defined as 6.022*10^23 molecules of a substance.

  • Serotype/serogroup: a group of strains within a species that share a particular type of surface structure.

  • Strain: Within a particular species there can be a lot of genetic diversity. A strain refers to one member of that species. 


Last updated: July 9, 2024

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